Saturday, April 25, 2015

Show Low Arizona- April 25

We are staying in an Arizona State Forest- beside a lake and 100 foot tall evergreens. Very nice. We will meet Norm's son soon for a visit.
Our state Forest Campground

Small Watercolor this morning.
Met Norm's son Darrin who rode 4 hours up from Tucson to show us around.
Great BBQ here for lunch

Darrin and his friend John led us to Porter Mountain

Norm, John, Darrin, Angus and Bonnie at top of mountain

Very green- almost looks like NH

Darrin will have a steak with us at our campground later today.

1 comment:

Frances said...


June has shared your alive watercolor postcards with us. You have been a faithful member of our class. Your postcards help us not to miss you! Thank you. We have commented how in a small space you are able to capture essence.

It sounds as if you continue to have a heavenly time. I imagine you are in awe of our big country. You are filling yourself with soul!

Our class today was a green and yellow theme, with yellow johnny jump up at every place. The plates looked like lily pads and we enjoyed egg sandwiches which matched. Each of us continue to paint at our own pace and each in a different vein. June wends her way among us with her kind attention. All goes well.

Enjoy, enjoy your time, as I can see so well you and Norm are. Warm regards, Fran