Monday, April 27, 2015

White Mountains and Greer- April 26

Plans had to change due to the weather. Darrin and John were going to ride their motorcycles and we were going to follow them. But we had SNOW this morning! So we all piled into the truck (dogs stayed in the camper) and we drove to the White Mountains. We saw a herd of antelope and kept looking for elk but never saw any. The tall evergreens were covered with snow and the view of the mountains was covered with fog and snow. We did stop several times to see the lakes. It was in the Apache Reservation. Later for lunch we went to Molly Butler Lodge and had a nice late burger lunch. Back to the campground. A quiet but fun day. Tomorrow we will go to Tucson- much warmer there!
What month is it? In Arizona?

A herd of antelope

Father and son

The mantle to this fireplace was amazing.

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