Saturday, April 11, 2015

Little Rock Arkansas Campground

We wanted a day of rest so we only went as far as Little Rock and camped by 2:30. Nice afternoon in this sunny campground; nice breeze;
Time for a bit of sun, nap, read,etc

Norm loves our hammock. So did Angus!
77 degrees. Flowers, green grass, trees just about all leafed out with that light green Spring look. It WILL come to you soon. Saw the last 2 flowers in an Iris bed- all rest gone by. Pansies, Pinks. Nice. Pool here- but no water in it yet. Guess that's too much to ask for, heh?

On to Little Rock

Wake up Bonnie. Good Morning!

Sunrise over Memphis on the Mississippi River

Norm enjoys coffee while he checks emails and Angus is trying to do a Ken-Ken puzzle.

Beautiful morning. Life is good.

      Doreen gave me one of her handmade gourds. When I spoke with Dan, the pun-master, he said, "Must be Gorgeous!"

Anybody know what kind of tree this is?

Mississippi River- West Memphis Arkansas

New Bass Pro Shop beside the highway

Crossing the Mississippi from Tennessee to Arkansas

Transportation Center beside the River- food commodities and fuel

We watched many boats move slowly up and down the river. Some pushing 20 -barge sets.
Liked the low hum sounds. Big wake behind.

We can see the new shoots in our little garden.

Norm tied long leads for the dogs to run

What a great spot we got- right by the river with a great view

We made fast friends with Doreen and Larry from Ontario. They go to Texas for the winter and were on their way home.

Natalie did a watercolor

Friday, April 10, 2015

On to Arkansas

The Tennessee River

Many Vines covering trees


stopped for gas


Friday morning just before we left Nashville. Even when you travel you have to do your homework.

Even when you travel you have to do your homework!

When is Norm going to get this rig moving?

Going From Tennessee to Arkansas

The KOA Campground has this big sign up. It made me smile this morning.

The Campground store had Tennessee products- see note above.

Didn't know the Amish also go camping!