Monday, June 29, 2015

Henry Ford Museum, Dearborn Michigan

We went back into the US to go to the Henry Ford Museum. First we saw a Jacques Cousteau's son IMAX show about Life under the Sea. Beautiful and informative. Then we toured the museum on our own. Saw huge sections on Railroads and Trains, Clocks, Airplanes, Liberty and Justice, Made in America, Furniture ,Agriculture, Presidential Vehicles, Automobiles, a Home of the Future, etc. Stopped for a snack in an old Diner. Saw so much. Took a ton of photos. Great Museum.
Then back to Canada to our very wet, soggy campground for the night.

Band saw

Cobbler Shop


Factory workers

Rosa Parks Bus

Frederick Douglas info

Banjo Clocks

Locomotive was SO huge.

Norm's next profession?

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