Sunday, April 19, 2015

On to Colorado

We felt sad to leave Santa Fe- we liked it so much. Yet there is more to see. We drove up to Taos and had lunch in a Mexican restaurant. Land is changing already.
We stopped at the Rio Grand below the Gorge.

Notice Norm looking at map. Where are we going??

Northern New Mexico

We saw Bio Culture communities west of Taos although I didn't get a photo. Living under ground.

We saw snow as we climbed the mountains to get to Colorado` Carson National forest

some places- a lot of snow still

Crossing into Colorado

We saw llama, sheep, cows, horses, prairie dogs, magpies.

Greener again- and pines

This is our campground view!

At the entry to the campground there was an Elk sculpture. Norm saw elk as we drove along. I missed them.

some view

Norm wears these blue gloves to unhook the camper and do his thing with the water and cable etc.. I'll get dinner and feed the dogs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm loving traveling along with you. It all looks so wonderful...even the snow. hahahah