Sunday, April 12, 2015

Oklahoma City campground

Another slow, relaxed day. Got to KOA campground by 2:30. Not too much to see along the way.  But I sure took a lot of photos anyway as you will see. Farms, dry areas, grasses, cattle in trucks, oil drill, red dirt, trash, broken down trucks, no traffic (nice!), dead armadillo on side of road. As we crossed into Oklahoma we had new concrete roads- much smoother.
Tine on our hands, we looked up people from Oklahoma:  Will Rogers, Dr. Phil, James Garner, Gene Autry, Reba McEntire, Ron Howard (Remember Opie?) ,....and of course my friend Barbara Konieczny.

Maria says, "Keep on Truckin!" And so we did. I took photos of a few postcards in the KOA store here. Most I took along the way. Looking at the photos now- it's quite beautiful actually. 65 degrees today and cloudy. We listened to Mozart but mostly Jazz. Peaceful. Nice Dog Playground here.

Rest stop to run dogs, we saw trucks, dogs, religious signs, Gospel Sing Poster, huge Dollar Store with even clothes in it.

Casino- Kickapoo Nation

Indian Blanket Flowers



OOOOk-lahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain,
And the wavin' wheat can sure smell sweet, When the wind comes right behind the rain.....

Had our first ot dinner in the camper....chicken caccatori. Different style of cooking. Turned out fine. Now playing Cribbage. Good Night folks.

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